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The #RichInTheMind Mentality

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#RichInTheMind Decision's To Act

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Overcoming Fear By Being #RichInTheMind

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#RichInTheMind Is A Way Of Life


The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of #RichInTheMind is to help expand thoughts in people, build character among the community, and to inspire action to those looking to achieve more because being average is an insult! 


What Are You Going To Do About It?

I know through modeling and entrepreneurship responsibility within the Houston community and eventually the planet. #RichInTheMind means recognizing that there is negative in the world and working on becoming your best to make those around you better!  

The #RichInTheMind Collections List

what people are saying

The material of the hoodie and shirts are super high quality and fit like a glove. Very pleased with my order!


I bought a coffee mug and it helps to remind me to stay rich in the mind each day. Great purchase!


A truly beautiful model and inspires me to stay fit with her calendar!

